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Blog Article

How to Add a View Dashboard Link on Each Record in Customer Saved Searches Results

Bella Tran

Written by: Bella Tran

Customer Dashboard NetSuite

As an operational user of NetSuite, you may find it beneficial to have direct access to the Customer Dashboard from your Saved Search results. This feature can significantly enhance your efficiency by allowing quick, one-click navigation to detailed customer information. However, a common issue arises when Saved Search results are grouped, causing the Dashboard icon hyperlink to disappear. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to add a View Dashboard link on each Customer Saved Search result and provide a workaround for maintaining the hyperlink in grouped results.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Create a New Customer Saved Search

  1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.

  2. Click Customer Search Type.

  3. Search Title: Enter a descriptive title for your search, such as "Customer Dashboard Links".

Step 2: Define Your Search Criteria

  1. Click the Criteria tab.

  2. Click the Standard subtab.

  3. Filter: Use the drop-down menu to select the necessary fields for your search criteria. Adjust as needed and click Set.

Step 3: Configure the Search Results

  1. Click the Results tab.

  2. Click the Columns subtab.

  3. Field: Select Dashboard to include the Dashboard field in your results.

Customer Dashboard NetSuite

Step 4: Save and Run the Search

  1. Click Save & Run.

  2. Clicking on the View Dashboard link from the search results will direct users to the actual Customer Dashboard page.

Handling Grouped Search Results

When Saved Search results are grouped (Summary Type is applied), the Dashboard icon loses its hyperlink, preventing direct access to the Customer Dashboard. To resolve this, you can use a Formula (HTML) field to maintain the hyperlink.

Step 5: Edit the Grouped Customer Saved Search

  1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches.

  2. Click Edit by the Customer Saved Search that has grouped results.

Step 6: Implement the Formula (HTML) Field

  1. Click the Results tab.

  2. Click the Columns subtab.

  3. Field: Select Formula (HTML).

  4. Summary Type: Select Group.

  5. Custom/Summary Label: Enter "Dashboard Hyperlink".

  6. Formula: Enter the following code:

'<a href="' || {INTERNALID} || '">' || {DASHBOARD} || '</a>'

where xxxx-sb1 is the account id

Customer Dashboard NetSuite
Customer Dashboard NetSuite

  1. Click Add.

  2. Click Save & Run.

Customer Dashboard NetSuite

This formula ensures that the Dashboard icon retains its hyperlink, even when the search results are grouped.


By following these steps, you can efficiently add a View Dashboard link to each record in your Customer Saved Searches results and maintain the hyperlink functionality in grouped results. This enhancement will streamline your workflow, allowing for quicker and more direct access to essential customer information.

Stay tuned for more tips and tricks to optimize your NetSuite experience!

Note: The above steps are applicable to NetSuite version 2024.1. Ensure your system is updated to this version to follow along seamlessly.

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