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Our Core

We Are Your Single Point of Contact.
Simple and hassle-free.

We are your single coordination point  for all service operations. Appreciate the simplicity of a single contract for all your maintenance, administration, support, and enhancement needs. 


Think of us as your extended team of certified and trained experts who fully understand you and your business. We work with you, and your system workflows and processes. 


We cover all of your technical development needs, configuration, training and module identification, new release updates, support and workaround assistance with an ongoing alignment between your business and solutions.

Keen to remove the bias embedded in the partner relationship with the NetSuite partner community, Etter+Ramli is modeled as an independent managed success advisory that has our client as our pillar and measure for success.
Our mission is to help you deliver Customer Excellence through Marketing and Strategy Execution.
Customer Excellence is an outcome that every business should aspire to achieve. Achieving it results in a complete transformation of the business, setting new standards of quality for everyone else to match. Your success is Etter+Ramli's success.


Message from CEO

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"Our goal in every engagement is to ensure that our client is successful in all aspects of the project."

This is not a throwaway statement – as we are an independent client-side advisor and do not sell software, our business depends on us consistently achieving this objective.

Working with NetSuite for over 20 years initially as a client, then within NetSuite's Services Delivery business, and more recently as a Partner, I have virtually seen every problem that can happen and been involved in rectifying plenty of them successfully too, I must say that NetSuite is flexible and easy to work with. However, that does not mean it is without complexity or limitations. After all, it is enterprise software.
Todd Kimpton
Managed Success Partner & Founder

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Work with Us!

Join us as a Leadership Partner to build a thriving business, or as an Empowered Employee to unlock your potential - either way, grow with purpose.


Leadership Partner

Build a customer base, build an income, build a business without starting from scratch.

Software Programmer


Unleash your potential, make a meaningful impact, and build a fulfilling career.

The company logo and brand name owned by EtterRamli image.

Etter+Ramli is a managed service provider that is focused on enabling NetSuite customers to get  more value from their investment.

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​​​Etter+Ramli Head Office


160 Robinson Road
#14-04 Singapore Business Federation Center
Singapore (068914)


Etter+Ramli Vietnam

No. 5 – TT22 TW Dang & Bao Nhan Dan complex - Trinh Van Bo Street – Xuan Phuong Commune - Nam Tu Liem District – Hanoi, Vietnam


Etter+Ramli US

205 Ken Pratt Boulevard
Suite 120, Longmont CO 80501

897 Albion Ave SE Ocean Shores

WA 98569 (Satellite office)

Etter+Ramli Australia


Level 1/1386 Toorak Rd,
Camberwell, Victoria, 3124

©2024 by Etter+Ramli LLP, Managed Success for NetSuite. 

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